This Web-Service will be used to Get a very important calculation of Lal-Kitab Grammer Horoscope of Half Blind Planets.
Method Id | Method | Full Url |
61 | Get | /webastro/webapi/Blind_Planets/Half_Blind_Planets |
[{"heading":"Horoscope of Half Blind Planets","defination":"According to Lal Kitab, if Sun is in the 4th house and Saturn is in the 7th house, then in this condition then Kundali is known as the Kundali of blind planets. This planetary condition will have unfavorable effects on the the mental and professional life of this person. The mental peace of this person might decline drastically. The 4th house is also the house of our family happiness and because of this planetary condition our family happiness might get diminished.","Conclusion":"This kundali is not the Kundali of Half blind planets."}]
params | datatype | description |
name | varchar(50) | provide a valid string for name |
dateOfBirth | varchar(10) | should be in string dd:MM:yyyy format |
timeOfBirth | varchar(10) | should be in 24 hour formate HH:mm:ss |
place | varchar(120) | should not be empty |
longitude | varchar(10) | formate should be'084:10:00' |
latitude | varchar(10) | formate should be'084:10:00' |
longitudeDenoter | varchar(10) | field value should be E or W |
latitudeDenoter | varchar(10) | field value should N or S |
gmtDiff | varchar(10) | currect formate is '+05 H 30 M' |
varTimeCorrection | varchar(10) | currect formate is '+01:00' |
houseCusp | varchar(10) | value should be 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 |
ayanamsha | varchar(10) | value should be 1,2, or 3 |
sex | varchar(10) | value should be M or F |
language | varchar(10) | value shoul be english or hindi only |
chartStyle | varchar(500) | value should be |
rahuKetuPosition | boolean | true |