Webjyotishi | Your Online Astrologer
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General Predictions

Function Use For

This Web-Service is used to get 1-General Characteristics 2-Physical Appearance 3-Mental Characteristics 4-Qualities 5-Negative Traits 6-Special Characteristics 7-Profession 8-Benefic and malefic Planets 9-Important personalities belonging to Aries...

Method Id Method Full Url
34 Get /webapi/Predictions/General_Predictions/Pridiction_Part_1_to_9
Response Data

For General Characteristics
Function Call
Json Data
[{"predictions":"General Characteristics: Your Ascendant falls in sign Virgo. This sign has been classified as an earthy, common or flexed sign. Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is sterile and human by nature.For being born in this Ascendant, you will be endowed with an ingenious, studious, and witty nature. Always very systematic and methodical in your approach, you will be a very learned person - always be in search of knowledge for the purpose of attaining perfection. You will be inclined to continuing informal studies or conducting research; the occult and the allied subjects might also be of interest to you. You will be a reservoir of patience and perseverance.You will have much of interest in art and literature. In all your affairs in general, you will habitually be critical and precise; yet you will be soft-spoken, well mannered, benevolent, and judicious by nature. You will firmly believe in simple living and high thinking, and manage your monetary affairs very prudently. You might be an avid collector of curious things - which may have appealed to your fancy during sometime of your life; but you may have a queer habit of not to part with anything you have ever collected."}]]
For Physical Appearance
Function Call
Json Data
[{"predictions":"Physical Appearance: Your complexion will be reddish. You are likely to have a strong build and impressive physical structure. Your face is likely to be oval shaped and forehead may be prominent. Your distinctive features will be upright walk with a sunny cheerful disposition. With these, you will be the center of attraction everywhere you go."}]

params datatype description
name varchar(50) provide a valid string for name
dateOfBirth varchar(10) should be in string dd:MM:yyyy format
timeOfBirth varchar(10) should be in 24 hour formate HH:mm:ss
place varchar(120) should not be empty
longitude varchar(10) formate should be'084:10:00'
latitude varchar(10) formate should be'084:10:00'
longitudeDenoter varchar(10) field value should be E or W
latitudeDenoter varchar(10) field value should N or S
gmtDiff varchar(10) currect formate is '+05 H 30 M'
varTimeCorrection varchar(10) currect formate is '+01:00'
houseCusp varchar(10) value should be 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7
ayanamsha varchar(10) value should be 1,2, or 3
sex varchar(10) value should be M or F
language varchar(10) value shoul be english or hindi only
chartStyle varchar(500) value should be
rahuKetuPosition boolean true

Comming Soon Java Script Data