24:04:2024    Wednesday



Your moon sign is Capricorn. today is very auspicious for financial and social matters. If you are associated with any social service, today is very important for you. You will earn honour & prestige in society. You will have fun in the evening with your friends and family members and discuss future plans with them. You will get assurance from your senior officials and politicians also for cooperation in future plans. You will get full support from them in your projects.

You will try to get your outstanding or lent money back, but chances of getting that money back is very less. If you do business, business of gold, silver, copper etc. will be very beneficial for you. If your business is related to speculative business, you will earn enough profits. No. 3 & 6 are very auspicious for you today. People who are related to these nos., will help you in financial matters.

Developed For: www.rajeshshori.com(RajeshShori Jyotisalaya)